Marc Weitz helps business professionals write with clarity, connect successfully with clients, and deliver impactful presentations. His engagements span a wide range of industries, including financial services, pharmaceuticals, advertising, banking, manufacturing, and technology. With a passion for science and engineering, he particularly enjoys helping engineers and technical leaders break up complex issues into simpler messages.
Past Experience
Marc brings 10 years of teaching experience as an Adjunct Lecturer for the City University of New York, where he taught Speech and Communications. He also currently serves as Producing Director for the award-winning New Ohio Theatre, in Manhattan’s West Village. In this role, he manages the business side of presenting new plays by emerging and established theatre companies.
American Conservatory Theater
M.F.A. - Acting
University of Pennsylvania
Bachelor's Degree, Mechanical Engineering
Fun Facts
Marc proudly produces the oldest summer theatre festival currently running in New York City (25 years and counting). He also interviews dozens of filmmakers for the NY Indie Theatre Film Festival. Marc lives in New York City with his wife, Constance, and their two cats.