Law Firm Group
Communication Skills for Attorneys

We leverage relevant, real-life experiences to bring an added dimension to attorney learning. Building on 40+ years of practice in both corporate and litigation settings, we deliver workshops at law firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies, and law schools.

Jay Sullivan
N. America
Jay Sullivan is the Managing Partner at Exec-Comm, and leads the firm’s Law Firm Group. He is an award-winning author and columnist, as well as an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown Law Center and Fordham University School of Law. His book, Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work and Beyond, was released by John Wiley & Sons in 2016, and has since been translated into Chinese, Korean, and Russian. As a contributing writer for, Jay brings relevant and timely advice on enhancing one’s communication skills to the business community.

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
We are certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York. We offer all of our workshops in customized versions for attorneys.